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torsdag den 24. januar 2013

Tangle Teezer

I'm gonna be brutally honest. I don't get why everybody finds this to be sooo amazing. It's a brush, nothing new and spectacular. I will admit too follwing though
- Fewer hairs come out
- It hurts just as much as a regular brush
- It doesn't get 'stuck' in the hair when really knotty, since it has pretty straight smooth bristles
- It doesn't magically glide trough your hair without any help
- It is really overpriced for such a lump of plastic 
- With so many bristles it distributes the pull over a larger area, therefor less force on one knot

I believe this brush is better because it doesn't pull out the hairs as many other 'regular' brushes might doo. But it comes at a cost of 12,95£ (depends on where you buy it), nothing that'll break your bank if you really are in need of a brush.

Btw I bought the galaxy purple thing with glitter. It's pretty ;)

Hope it helps,


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