A blog about all things beauty ...

mandag den 4. februar 2013

Last minute shopping sale: Great beauty buy's online!

I believe in being an optimist. Right now, I'm sick. Really sick. Forced to stay in bed kind a sick. What can you do in bed with a computer? Well, sale shopping! Something I haven't had time for in a long long time! So I thought I might share some off the best offers I find online.


This beautiful palette from Stila is for sale at asos for 6,5£  It has all the colours necessary for a neutral eye. The creme blush is a great color and a free gloss never hurts!

You can buy it here.

You can buy this cool laquer from OPI's James Bond Skyfall collection for 5,5£ here. It's an opaque cool silver which in the right light looks kinda blue.

On the subject of nail laquers. This Ciate Butterscotch  laquer will be yours for 6,5£ right here.

This next baby is the real deal bargain! Just wait for it ... Stila lip glaze at 1,5£ a piece ! Their Christimas set is already a saving, but right now, you can get the whole set with 8 pieces for 12,5£ right here. Can't wait!

So this and a whole lot off watching Fleur De Force on youtube and friends is what happened today.. Hope you had a more productive use of your time!


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