A blog about all things beauty ...

fredag den 21. december 2012

Topshop! A bit of a blush and a glow

With flash
I am loving Top Shops makeup! The first thing I bought from them, was their highlighter.

It is delicious ! It highlights with a soft pink glow, which makes it perfect for highlighting cheekbones and the cupid bow. It looks soft and as natural as it can get.
The texture is very smooth and glides on! It comes in at only 9£..

Their cream blush is very nice as well. I have it in flush and must admit, it the pan it looks very scary! But have faith, when you swatch it, you can sense how lovely flushed it's going to make your cheeks look. The tones in it is a pink /orange blend. The compact has the characteristic dots, feels very sturdy with a huge mirror (taken the size of in into the equation) and doesn't open by accident in your purse. I use it with the real techniques blush brush which makes my skin looks flawlessly flushed. Hands down, the best cream blush I've had so far! It comes in at 6£.
Without Flash

I will definitely be trying out more of their products soon!  

The pictures shows a thick layer of highlight and blush, with and without flash.

Clinique: Superpowder double face makeup

I remember once, a long time ago, where one of my friends came up to me with glitter in her eyes and told me she had finally bought this. At that time, I was a bit of a tomboy and totally didn't get it.
Now I do.

This powder works very well. Not just as a powder, but as a sort of light foundation as well.

The packaging is lovely. It's the classic green and silver casing, that you would associate with clinique. When you click it open via the silver embolishment, you find a big mirror and a sponge above the powder.
I've had mine for quite a while and haven't experienced any flaws in this compact.

I have an oily / mixed skin. It stays put! It doesn't make me shine at all! I use it in a light layer in summer time mostly. It can look too matte in a thick layer, especially in winter time when my skin tends to stay more like a matte on it's own.

The price is around 25$

Pro: It's a compact, it stays matte for a long time, it covers and is therefor good at covering up during the day, it's not very expensive.

Con: It can become too matte if you use too much

onsdag den 19. december 2012

Soap and Glory: Smooth Body Butter

First off, I love love LOVE the packaging of all Soap and Glory's products!You can look for a long time at them and still find new, witty comments, that brings out a little smile.

To the product..

The smell: I had hoped it smelled like the handfood. Even though the smell isn't the same, it's still very pleasant. It's still a flirty scent, but this one is a bit more heavy and suttle at the same time than the handfood. See 'what it says' for more detailed info on the scent.

The consistency: It's quite rich, as a butter should be, but not too rich! This means, that this is the cream I put on every morning. It keeps my skin smelling lovely and feeling hydrated.

What it says: The daily smooth amazingly-effective dry skin formula body butter with rosehip seed oil and cocoa butter. Scented with Mist you madly's™ beautiful notes of Bergamot, Blackcurrant, Magnolia, Freesia, Vanilla and Musk.

The price: Around 7 - 7,5 £ at boots. 18$ at sephora online.

What I think?
I think it's lovely for winter. Even though it's very heavy, I find it a necessity to my damaged winter skin.For the price, you won't find a better one for daily use!

If you have very dry skin, this will be the thing for you!

Happy holidays!

Lavera Bio-Orange og Bio-Sanddorn

I went to this beauty convention not so long ago, and found this at a very reduced priced, so of course I had to buy it!

The smell: It smells very much of orange.. Sort of like the REN mask.

The look: It's a delicate yellow!

The good thing about this is, that it is vegan friendly. Sometimes I find that all that 'earth friendly' skincare, leaves a thin layer of something on your skin. This doesn't! It's very quickly absorbed into your skin. 
All in all, a very nice handcream!If your in the marked for one, definately try this one out! Plus, it's not to big at 75 ml. It fits perfectly in a womans purse.

The price: It's around 7 £ so nothing that breaks your bank.. 

Happy holidays everybody!

Clarins Beauty Flash Balm

This stuff is really nice! I've tried it out for a couple of weeks and can say with certainty, that it has gotten a permanent place in my collection.

What I do: I use it under my make up in the morning, for a quick 'lift me up' look. It contains minimal pigment (really minimal!!), which I had my doubts about.
I have oily skin, so I don't really need to add more shine on my skin. But this - in a thin layer - looks really nice on top of my regular moisturizer for the harsh winter months!

The scent: It is soothing, calm, luxurious but doesn't linger on the skin for hours.

The look: It's a very delicate peachy color.

What it says it will do for you: Give your skin a radiance in a flash

Does it do it?
I think it looks and feels nice! Definately.. But it's not something I would invest in, if I needed the money to buy something else.  It doesn't do miracles, but it 'does good'. It makes you look like you, just better.
This is one of these products you'll appreciate, when you have everything else. You'll especially appreciate it the morning after new years eve, christmas parties etc.

The price: It's just around 28 £ on feelunique.com

onsdag den 7. november 2012

Clinique almost lipstick!

 It took me a few years and a trip to L.A. but now it is finally found. My HolyGrail. Let me introduce you to Clinique Almost Lipstick in Black Honey! It is so delicious that I am on my trip 2 to NY bought two extra home (which I bow deeply that I did when I'm about to run out).

It is the best lipstick / lip stain I have ever met! The color is a bit strong when you first see it in the package, but do not be afskræmme of it. It is super lightweight and easy to use.

Firstly, the wrapping superior leak. It is made of what I assume is aluminum, which gives it a super sleek, expensive look.

Second, you can build the color up exactly as you want it. First layer gives a 'your color just better' red complexion. The second layer provides a slightly deeper red color, etc. Ergo, it can be used for parties as well as everyday life.

Thirdly, disappears color is not so just. When the fact've been sitting on for a while, it acts as a 'stain' that gives color on the lips so that you do not need to put a new layer on all the time.

Fourth, it rubs the not very easily.

All in all, it is fabulous and fit all: If you have not tried it, please do. However, it may not be available in the EU and yet I have not found it online. But if you have a friend or a trip in the near future, so give it a consideration.

*****Danish Version*****
Det tog mig et par år og en rejse til L.A. men nu er den endelig fundet. Min HolyGrail. Lad mig introducere jer for Clinique Almost Lipstick i Black Honey! Den er så lækker, at jeg på min tur nr. 2 til NY købte to ekstra med hjem (hvilket jeg bukker dybt for, at jeg gjorde, da jeg er ved at løbe tør).

Det er den bedste læbestift/lip stain jeg nogensinde har mødt! Farven er en smule kraftig når man først ser den i emballagen, men lad jer ikke afskræmme af det. Den er super let og nem at bruge.

For det første er indpakningen suverænt lækker. Den er lavet af hvad jeg antager er aluminium, hvilket giver den et super lækkert, dyrt udseende.
For det andet kan man bygge farven op præcist som man vil have det. Første lag giver en 'din farve bare bedre' rød teint. Andet lag giver en lidt dybere rød farve osv. Ergo, den kan bruges til fest såvel som hverdag.
For det tredje, så forsvinder farven ikke sådan bare lige. Når den nemlig har siddet på et stykke tid, fungerer den som en 'stain', der giver farven videre til læberne således at man ikke behøver at lægge et nyt lag på hele tiden.
For det fjerde smitter den ikke særlig nemt af.

Alt i alt, den er fabelagtig og passer til alle!Hvis du ikke har prøvet den, så gør endelig. Den kan dog ikke fåes i EU og endnu har jeg ikke fundet den på nettet. Men har du en ven eller en rejse i den kommende fremtid, så giv den en overvejelse.

Joico !

 Hello LadiesIn my time I have tried a lot. Men, make up and especially hair products. So now it's known time that I write about my hair greatest love! - JOICOJoico doing some hair products. Some there's obviously works better for my hair than others. The first one I tried from them is still my favorite! 
My hair type is a mixture of fine / normal hair. Strangely enough, it has grown very far (which is of course so is not strange eftersomder go a year between my haircuts - which can be done with good products). I do not color my hair and rarely use heat products on it. However, because it is relatively fine and simultaneously far, it requires some care. I generally have straight hair, but with a tendency to frizz in the inner. 
Joico Silk Result Shampoo and Conditioner for Fine Hair
They have a wonderful herbal scent, I have not experienced in some other products. The consistency is fantastic! Balsam part was a bit thin, but it's close with protein-containing hair products. The color of the balm was completely white, while in the shampoo was transparent / pink / pearly. If it's a color. Besides scent and texture, the effect is amazing! My hair was healthy in no time. It was more straight and curled into the inner hair was also much smaller.There is absolutely nothing negative to say about this product! 
Joico K-PAK Shampoo and Conditioner 
The scent is sweet, much sweeter than silk result. It is more artificial. How little like banana, strawberries and other sweet things mixed together. But the good smells! My hair was shiny, delicious and have been VERY far using this without being worn at the ends. However, it did not quite the same feeling as silk result. It can then also be due to K-PAK is VERY damaged hair - which my not. You can not make hair more fantastic than what comes out, so do not know quite what I had expected.Definitely not bad! But best if you have seriously damaged hair. 
Joico K-PAK reconstructer hair treatment 
This is slightly different than the other products. It is grainy, slightly yellow in color and smells very strongly of banana. If you do not like this scent, turn you on, the product is nice (and should only be used once a week max)! It does not make it the soft feel of many cures do, but fixing the hair from the inside which is slightly different from other products. This product is again if you have super damaged hair. If you do not like the 'not soft' feel, use possibly a cheap cure afterwards that makes hair soft.

Joico Moisture Recovery Treatment Balm hair treatment
 Here you get the silky and very moisturizing sensation. It weighs hair down a bit, but nothing compared to how delicious it feels afterwards. For my hair is this better than the previous one, since I do not need to fix my hair, but more keep it up. The smells of coconut! The product is again a bit grainy with a slightly yellowish mixed with milk white trend. So all in all, delicious, delightful, it is recommended to dry but not damaged hair.

Joico K-PAK color restorative treatment styling oil 

Welcome to the newest member of my family hair care. It smells delicious. A bit vanilieagtig. It has a thick consistency and a beautiful golden color. It is equipped with a pump that provides a good dose amount. The oil lasts all day and is super delicious in her hair! If you will have something to compare with the thinner than OSMO Berber Oil, but much thicker than Indola smoothing serum. I use it only in the tips and wet hair - because my hair is relatively fine and quickly weighed down if there is too much in. It has convinced me to be a solid product in my range. MHT on hold firmly to the color I sense nothing about, since I do not color hair. But it protects at least against frizz and dry ends!

It was my experience with Joico so far, hope you can use it :)xoxo

*****Danish Version*****
Hello Ladies

I min tid har jeg prøvet en del. Mænd, make up og ikke mindst hårprodukter. Så nu er det vidst på tide at jeg skriver om mit hårs største kærlighed! - JOICO

Joico laver en del hårprodukter. Nogle der jo naturligvis fungerer bedre til mit hår end andre. Den første jeg prøvede fra dem er stadig min favorit!

Min hårtype er en blanding af fint/normalt hår. Underligt nok er det vokset sig ret langt (hvilket jo så ikke er underligt eftersomder går et år mellem mine klipninger - hvilket kan lade sig gøre med gode produkter). Jeg farver ikke mit hår og bruger sjældent varmeprodukter på det. Dog fordi det er relativt fint og samtidigt langt, kræver det en del pleje. Jeg har generelt glat hår, men med tendens til krus i det inderste. 

Joico Silk Result Shampoo og Balsam for fint hår
De har en vidunderlig urteagtig duft, jeg ikke har oplevet i nogle andre produkter. Konsistensen er helt fantastisk! Balsam delen var dog en smule tynd, men det er det tæt med proteinholdige hårprodukter. Farven på balsam var helt hvid, mens den i shampooen var gennemsigtig/lyserød/perlemorsagtig. Hvis det er en farve. Udover duft og konsistens, er virkningen helt fantastisk! Mit hår blev sundt i løbet af ingen tid. Det blev mere lige og kruset i det inderste hår blev også langt mindre.
Der er absolut intet negativt at sige om dette produkt!

Joico K-PAK Shampoo og Balsam
Duften er sød, meget sødere end silk result. Den er mere kunstig. Sådan lidt ligesom banan, jordbær og andre søde ting blandet sammen. Men godt dufter det! Mit hår var skinnende, lækkert og er blevet MEGET langt ved brug af denne, uden at være slidt i enderne. Dog gav den ikke helt den samme følelse som silk result. Det kan så også skyldes, at K- PAK er til MEGET ødelagt hår - hvilket mit ikke er. Du kan jo ikke gøre hår mere fantastisk end hvad der kommer ud, så ved ikke helt hvad jeg havde regnet med.
Absolut ikke dårlig! Men bedst hvis du har seriøst skadet hår.

Joico K-PAK reconstructer Hårkur
Denne er lidt anderledes end de andre produkter. Den er grynet, lettere gul i farven og dufter meget kraftigt af banan. Hvis du ikke kan lide denne duft, så vend dig til den, for produktet er lækkert (og skal kun bruges en gang om ugen maks)! Det giver ikke den der bløde fornemmelse som mange kure gør, men fikser håret indefra hvilket er lidt anderledes i forhold til andre produkter. Dette produkt er igen hvis du har super skadet hår. Hvis du ikke kan lide den 'ikke bløde' fornemmelse, så brug evt en billig kur bagefter der gør håret blødt.

Joico Moisture Recovery Treatment Balm Hårkur
Her får du den silkebløde og meget fugtgivende fornemmelse. Den vejer håret en smule ned, men intet i forhold til hvor lækkert det føles bagefter. For mit hår er denne bedre end den forrige, da jeg ikke har brug for at reparere mit hår, men mere holde det ved lige. Den dufter dejligt af kokos! Produktet er igen en smule grynet med en slightly gullig blandet med mælkehvid tendens. Så alt i alt, lækker, dejlig, anbefales til tørt men ikke skadet hår.

Joico K-PAK restorative colour treatment styling oil
Velkommen til det nyeste medlem af min hårpleje familie. Den dufter lækkert. En smule vanilieagtig. Den har en tyk konsistens og en smuk gylden farve. Den er udstyret med en pumpe der giver en god doseringsmængde. Olien holder hele dagen og er super lækker i håret! Hvis i vil have noget at sammenligne med er den tyndere end OSMO Berber Oil, men meget tykkere end Indola smoothing serum. Jeg bruger den kun i spidserne og i vådt hår - eftersom mit hår er relativt fint og hurtigt kan tynges ned hvis der kommer for meget i. Den har overbevist mig om at kunne blive et fast produkt i mit sortiment. Mht om den holder godt fast i farven aner jeg intet om, da jeg ikke farver hår. Men den beskytter i hvert fald mod krus og tørre spidser!
NB! I dag er den på tilbud til 69,- på nicehair.dk! 

Det var mine erfaringer med Joico indtil videre, håber i kan bruge det :)
